China can't even keep the lights on, page-3

  1. 15,032 Posts.
    Anyone recall one of the basic rules to avoid business failure:- don't grow too big too fast.

    Regardless of all the supposed experts flummoxed at China's economic rise, I suspect China is a flash in the pan operation. Similar rapid rise empires seem to have spiralled into war e.g. Japan, post WW1 Germany, even the USA went looking for an excuse to show off and feed it's ego.

    All it takes is creditors to loose faith in China's stability and integrity of payment for it's currency to crash and it's all over red rover. They have already demonstrated they are delinquent debtors by breeching commercial agreements with Australian suppliers.

    Because Chinese enterprise is actually100% owned by the state, we are dealing with a monopoly. The usual reasoning for competition laws is to limit market manipulation, predatory pricing, inflexible negotiation and mandatory tying/bundling of product with another unrelated product. ...Why are we dealing with an absolute monopoly and think we are not going to be a victim?
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