CHINA Cleared ! No Virus Evidence from Labs WHO, page-9

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    ROFL...what a joke. We better all stop eating frozen meat immediately...

    "China has repeatedly pushed the idea that the virus can be transmitted by frozen food and has regularly announced findings of COVID-19 traces on imported food packaging, including chicken wings from Brazil, squid from Russia, shrimp from Ecuador, pork from Germany and salmon from Norway.
    “More and more evidence suggests that the frozen seafood or meat products probably spread the virus from countries with the epidemic into our country,” Chinese epidemiologist Wu Zunyou said in a recent interview posted on a government website, The New York Times reported".

    Chinese Communist Party...full of it. Being China is a huge supporter of the WHO and we also know that Tedros Adhanom the head of WHO has been seen as a Chinese apologist.
    Like what other "finding" would you expect from WHO other than China is an innocent bystander to the source of Coronavirus! A waste of money and resources, China's CCP will never "lose face" over anything, so we'll never ever know the truth of this virus origins.

    So how come if frozen meat is allegedly responsible that this thing only surfaced in China? Next we'll be told by the WHO that it must have originated in the US...why do we support a clearly biased and tainted organisation?
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