it is totally crazy by any means the same journos -------- and...

  1. 81,321 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    it is totally crazy by any means

    the same journos -------- and the same mullet politicians who rabbit this stuff ------------

    they all carry phones 'made in china' ---------------- with microphones, cameras, memory, internet connections

    they have at home - computers - all made in china or and with a mass of chinese parts ------------ their computers have cameras, microphones, connection --- their internet connection devices - all made in china

    their dog's collar - it's got a gps tracker on it --------- made in china

    fido can be tracked - fido gets taken to friends and aquaintences and some quiet meetings. Fido, is listening.

    these people are in la la land --------- if they truly believed what they sprout ----------- the smartphones would be gone

    so would the wife's, so would the teenage kids - and fido's collar --------- gone

    and ------------- of all things -------- the same politicians would stop taking us to wars - and they would certainly not get us involved in ARKUS ------------- and they certainly would not use aggressive language in relations

    you would do the absolute opposite if you felt threatened, if you had a brain - you would appear not threatened at all - you would have as much visitation to China as you could muster

    as much contact in China as you could possibly have - immerse yourself in China - watch, listen, learn to love and be loved - get close

    Oz is so so so dumb --------- IF - they sense a threat ------------ they go out of their way to pick a fight

    problem is - Oz is a flea on the dog, trying to pick a fight with the whole pack

    what a very very very stupid mob the Liberals and some journos are - all the while pandering to American profit making and, cannot see it
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