China is the cancer of the world, page-25

  1. 29,997 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    bellcurve and yst are on the ball..

    a good starting point is never believe too much of anything that goes for the americans, the chinese, the russians etc etc.

    to justify spending $700bn on guns - america needs enemies and the plebs need to be brainwashed - after all they miss out on a lot - just so that the MIC can have their toys and control the world ..

    how many military bases does america have all over the world - compared to the russians and the chinese?? - those military bases are not all over the world to make sure that the world has american styled democracy..

    why would anyone believe the americans anyway - here is pompeo proudly stating that they lie, cheat and steal ..

    america is always involved in regime change activities .

    compared to america - russia and china look the peaceful types .

    no doubt that america is very much concerned about the increasing economic/military power of china - and will do all they can to thwart china .

    for what it is worth, but watso used to be 100% america - and believed all the nonsense as to why they needed to take action in various parts of the world - well after iraq - watso's eyes were opened .

    america have no reason to be remotely involved in the syrian conflict - yet they have troops on the ground controlling syrian oil fields .. america is simply the world's bully boy - and watso does not like bullies .

    strange how america have enemies all over the world - the problem might be that america is the problem .

    it is pretty easy to who are the brainwashed ones
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