China is to blame, page-39

  1. 1,370 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    People defending our relationship with China I ask you if you have actually had a look at the timeline for Covid-19.

    Chinese companies were buying up and exporting Australian medical supplies in December well before China had let us know anything about Covid-19. The Chinese government had virus whistle-blowers jailed. This left Australian medical practitioners with next to no medical supplies, hospitals and in some cases GP's couldn't get masks nor sanitisers. Who directed Chinese companies to buy up our supplies? I can only guess. Hiding the virus was not the act of a friendly nation, it was the act of a deceitful government. I am sure if China's leadership had put it's hand up early, told us the issue and asked for medical goods we'd have been able to be of some help.

    I'd prefer our country was friendly to everyone and a responsible global citizen, as such yes we should ask questions about the virus, it's origination and actions henceforth from thereon.

    I am sure that most of us on HC are not racist, I hope that all Australians see that the actions of the Chinese government are not reflective of its people.
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