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China plans quota for Electric cars - start 2018

  1. 1,530 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 435
    According to the (well respected) German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung", China plans production quota's for all-electric cars and plug in hybrids already beginning in 2018.

    Enclosed the link (unfortunately in German)


    The quota's should be:
    2018 - 8%
    2010 - 10%
    2012 - 12%

    If the carmakers don't achieve this quota, they have in to reduce production in worst case.

    When my numbers are correct, the current EV/market chare in China is somewhere between 1,5-2%.

    The German carmakers are very upset, cause they're badly prepared for this scenario. Benefit from this scenario will mainly the Chinese car industry.

    Enclose an article in English about this topic.

    I doubt that in all those Li demand forecasts, such a near term regulatory intervention is already considered.
    When the biggest car-market of the world drive in this way (already in roughly one year !), Li demand will explode.
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