China rejects God so is He lifting His hand of protection ?, page-175

  1. RM
    7,403 Posts.

    tribal War Lord of the OT to the more loving God of the NT?

    you can try to make your own definition of a contradiction people redefine words all the time what marriage is what a wife is and who a Zie Sie is but there still are no true contradictions in the bible 2000 plus years and going strong.

    There is not even inconsistency in the wrath and judgement of God between the Old and New Testament. That statement is not an example of a contradiction nor is it even an accurate reflection of the consistency of the Bible....

    Revelation is actually the last book of the Bible I suspect some stopped at Jude thinking that was the end of the Bible, in this book the old Testament does not even get near to in severity of judgement.

    The reality of judgment and the everlasting shame is the same as found in both testaments so that sound satisfy that supposedly contradictory statement

    Daniel 12
    And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

    Matthew 24
    "These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

    Some world views hold onto myths so tightly with such blind faith in their myths without these they can only clutch at

    When in reality the hand is empty, myths do not save a drowning man.

    Last edited by RM: 22/03/20
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