China relations just took a great big turn for the worse, page-146

  1. 5,155 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    I guess if you see the world in binary terms you can reach all sorts of unusual conclusions. Good or evil, socialism or capitalism, right or left, etc etc. If you see nothing else then you miss the bigger picture. For example, just because Trump has been mouthing off at China as a re-election strategy you can't extrapolate that any further. Morrison has in fact reacted to bullying by Chinese trade restrictions and the imprisonment of our citizens. No evidence that we are being pressured to follow the lunatic in the Whitehouse. Australia has no choice but to stand up to Chinese aggression. In particular state sponsored widespread cyber warfare is just that, warfare. Tit for tat is what is happening and that unfortunately is the future diplomatic policy of the Chinese "leader for life". Poke a stick at your neighbour or trading partner then keep at them to see where it can go. No better example than the border with India right now. Its called wolf-warrior and its only just starting.

    BTW, aledgedly because of covid19, Microsoft is shifting a lot of production from China to Vietnam and Thailand. It maybe that Apple sees what is happening under Xi and starts to pull out too.

    As far as your other examples, dont have time to look them up except that MG is not the UK car company everyone once recognised. China bought the brand name years ago and it is now a wholly owned Chinese company. From what I have seen and heard Chinese made cars are poor quality with substandard safety features and bad resale value, eg Great Wall SUV's. But yes, they are cheap, like a lot of the disposable crap they make.
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