Although I had preferred a Biden win for the sake of ‘no...

  1. 41,381 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1007
    Although I had preferred a Biden win for the sake of ‘no surprise’ announcements from Trump, Biden is much more predictable but of the wrong kind, conflict risks.

    Iran was alway the security of supply with oil, Russia in the past was bitterly realized as an unreliable partner from the Korean War, but shares the same war mongering opponent. Isn’t this similar to pre-WW2 machinations?

    I started a thread when wine and beef got hit under the Decoupling theme. I could not have imagined the momentum was in fact much faster than I anticipated wrt to China-Oz relationship.

    Diehards were mocking the Chinese winter and coal will start exporting again to China. We really as a nation have no idea what famine and desperation is all about. I’ve been trying to anticipate the options available to China regarding IO and IOP speaks volumes. I have exposure in a miner so it’s in my interest to be as well informed as I can.

    NZ has learned from Oz lesson with an even smaller diversified economy so all they can do is Hakka shadow boxing. Cry babies thinking Scomo muscle flexes was anything but that. If Scomo wins the next election, we better start prepare for your anticipated pain.
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