China the likely culprit in massive Cyber attack on Australia, page-75

  1. 16,013 Posts.
    Given we've spent all that money on copper based continental intranet, surely that could be unplugged from the WWW and used exclusively by Australia's defence and political system as their physical transport layer?

    We could all go back to PSTN modems which would frustrate the bejebus out of the Chinese with the STD charges and frequent Telstra line drops like the good old days of the web.

    Whatever happened to the clever country? Why do we import nationals from other countries, give them citizenship and hope they will be loyal to us because we provide a job in secure govt depts. How many employees in the cyber security depts, for instance, are dinky die strayan selected on merit rather than appearance, sexual proclivities, age and gender? You can't just rely on someone with an accent or minority appearance to feel like they are part of the national family, especially as the govt promotes ethnic division through its multi cultural agenda.
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