Mascot is not as crazy as you think.. Stealth... pre pandemic,...

  1. 73 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    Mascot is not as crazy as you think.. Stealth... pre pandemic, there was about 72,000 people arriving monthly in Australia.. so you send 72,000 troops on holiday all over the world to converge on Australia during a certain month from all parts of the world....

    Now, get the Flight Radar app and check out how many planes are inbound from China on a daily basis holding cargo...increase that number by say 20% and fill them with weaponised troops to be landed in every major city along with weapons for 72,000 more..

    Drop food, supplies ammo and a few more troops into cargo boats to arrive at every major port at the same time as the cargo planes..

    You now roughly have as many troops on the ground as the Australian Defence Force.. spread over 6 States with supplies.. KAOS reigns!

    While Australia is busy sorting that out.. send the backup..
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