China coal consumption is growing and will peak to 39% of world...

  1. 945 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    China coal consumption is growing and will peak to 39% of world consumption by 2040.( Bp energy outlook report)
    While increasing growth in coal consumption it has recently stated it will be removing subsidies for renewable energy sources.
    It will not allow renewable energy projects to go ahead if the operators of the project could not demonstrate that it was cheaper than coal sourced energy.
    Just alone in 2019 so far China has installed 28 Gw of thermal coal powered energy .
    In between January and September China upproved 40 new medium and large scale domestic coal mines estimated to add 196 Mt of domestic production.
    Australia's TOTAL coal consumption sits at 128 Mt that is almost 60% less in comparison to Chinas ANNUAL increase
    When we compare it total China thermal Coal consumption which stands at 2.01 Billion tonnes we see that Australia consumption is less than 2%
    My real question is
    Why we in Australia are allowing the destruction of our industrial industries employment capacity.
    industries that are reliant on cheaper energy to compete on the international markets are being forced to close shop and then add insult to injury see the jobs move to China and alike countries.
    I think the unions have been infiltrated by city dwelling, soy latte sipping self serving cafe dwellers and their green utopian ideology. If the common worker was really aware of the cost to employment and wages growth these policies are having on Australia and the negative impact on job creation they would desert the pro green Labour Party in droves .
    It's a cascading effect energy prises up, primary industrial industries no longer competitive move to energy cheaper countries underlying manufacturing industries no longer viable do the same .
    It time to make a stand let your local MP's know we need real job creation policies no longer will we accept stupidity from disconnected politically motivated ivory towered utopian policies from unelected international bodies dictate policy to Australia.
    You are elected for the people not for the ideology of some irrelevant political body who is funded by foreign interests.
    It time to severe the ties to the dual political party system and put The peoples interests first , you know the ones that elected you .
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