China's pendind invasion of Australia, page-23

  1. 2,845 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2411
    Some above say that some of the Aussie newspapers promote this war theme, only to promote the US war manufacturing business etc. These types of arguments are rooted solely in simplistic conspiratorial thinking.

    But since they've commenced with the so-called corrupted newspapers of Australia, lets stick with the theme, but turn to Chinese news papers. What do they say about China being at war with Australia? After all, if it is nothing but false Aussie propoganda for US industrial means, then the Chinese should be calling it out at that, as being our number one trading partner, they wouldn't want to be promoting all this war talk, and would state categorically that us stupid Aussies are just filling the pockets of a few US based arms makers.

    But nothing could be further form the truth regarding what the Chinese are writing in their papers, and to make it more obvious, it is their English news paper, the Global Times, that they make their thought on this war topic very clear.

    "I suggest China make a plan to impose retaliatory punishment against Australia once it militarily interferes in the cross-Straits situation...... "China has a strong production capability, including producing additional long-range missiles with conventional warheads that target military objectives in Australia when the situation becomes highly tense."

    In case you are hinking that these wrirtings come form some unoffical Chinese journalist speaking out of turn etc, then you'd be very mistaken. What gets said in the Global TImes is what the CCP want us to hear. That is the way things work in China, unlike in a liberal democracy where anyone can say just about anything.

    China has been making military threats against Australia ever since we stopped Hui Wei, and suggested to our 5 eye friends to do the same. That year, Xi snobbed Scomo at the G20 and imposed Australian polical silence on his ministers. China doesn't want us, or anyone else, calling them out on their underhand ops, especially our assistance in the forthcoming Taiwan war. They even have stated that we are already making acts of war against them by engaging in the International Freedome of Navigation Patrolling in the South China Sea.

    The simple truth is that China is acting very beligerently towards all its neighbours, claiming that it has "no terrotial ambitions, how can we, it already belongs to us," from Russia to Indonesia, and every territory in between. Their economic growth is at it slowest in 50 years, but they just added 6% groth to their rmilitary spending, the largest ever in absoluate terms of any nation in histroy.

    But all this is ok, because it is just the Australian newspapers, supporting the US war machine, that is the cause of China's military build up and military determinism.

    Thank God for that, I will cancel my paper subscriptions immediately. That will bring an end to this pending crisis.

    Last edited by Batmansdaughter: 12/03/23
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