The headstock design was a bit of genius from Leo fender, it probably had to be straight due to the tremolo? It saves a lot of wood and time during mass production not to mention it's alot stronger, you'll sometimes see lefty necks on right handed fenders (and vice versa) some people think it looks balls but it's a matter of taste? Some guys swear by it, less tension on the fat e string or something like that?
Fender was an accountant and a bit of a tight wad when it came to production, a lot of right hand parts were used on leftys, hell of a lot cheaper and quicker just to flip something over than to make a new part all together?
I don't know if goofy footers are better (im a goofy) but an old sea dog once told me that natural footers tend to draw lines and are predictable in their surfing, goofys are unpredictable and jam maneuvers where you least expect them, he said it was due to goofys 'surfing in their right brain'? Kinda makes sense, anyway, take the test, I got 83% left hander
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