Hi Moorookamick and Kingpins and any othersinterested. As I...

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    Hi Moorookamick and Kingpins and any othersinterested.

    As I understand things China at least makes some very long-termplans unlike our western politicians.

    I read recently that the Chinese government using amix of communism and Capitalism has moved around 800M people out of agrarian povertyand into working- and middle-class lifestyles. Personally, I see that as adecent achievement in one generation.

    Over recent years many western governments have managedto take large sections of their working- and middle-class citizens back intopoverty. This is evident here in the UK with the current fiscal crisis,mortgage interest rates heating and power and fuel costs. The nightly newstalks of people having to decide if they eat or heat, charitable food banks areinundated, and Doctors here are seeing problems such as rickets and otherailments not seen since Charlie Dickens penned his last book.

    I am sure no one wishes to see rioting on their streets;however, it is not hard to understand that some people are growing angry and asusual venting this anger at the wrong groups of people.

    Many on these threads like me will remember paying18-19% mortgage rates younger mortgage holders are hoping to see rates normalizeunder 5% in the UK. Many of the baby boomer vintage think that interest ratesof 8-10% are closer to normal.

    I guess the substantial difference from me paying 18%in the past was the fact that I was not borrowing £300,000.00 to buy a houseback in the eighties.

    I am not sure if we will see the kind of workingtogether spirit or a western politician make anything other than a 3-4 year planand personally I think that’s a shame particularly as I am aware of what can beachieved when people pull together for the greater good in a single generation.

    Ken Loach in my opinion does an excellent job ofexplaining what can be achieved by one generation in his documentary: TheSpirit of forty-five.

    thespirit of 45 full movie - Google Search

    Fortunately, I have enjoyed the benefits afforded meby the previous generation as have many baby boomers and I am not so sure thecurrent every man for himself is working so well.

    Cheers all.

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