Chinese Economic demise..Wishful US Thinking?, page-80

  1. 23,164 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    There's about 1 billion Chinese over the age of 18 of which
    100 million are members of the CCP. IMO we'd have a much
    better/representatice political system if 10% of voting age Aussies
    were members of political parties. At present a party only needs
    500 paid up members to register as a party!

    That aside, IMO the vast majority of our politicians are not trained/
    educated for office and with 3 year terms there is, for many, not
    enough time to learn on the job and for some lack the ability to
    learn in the first instance. If we think that that is great, then why
    not apply the same process/principles in the corporate structure?

    Here's Tony Blair's take on it"
    (source: The Guardian)
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