redrockgeo ,People like you make me laugh.Twiggy got a team of...

  1. 5,436 Posts.
    redrockgeo ,
    People like you make me laugh.
    Twiggy got a team of top executives from top companies put together for a reason.
    His duty is to do the right thing for the shareholders.
    So don t expect him to look after you ,ARW of shipping companies.
    Twiggy has been criticized by the likes of you for no matter what he did.
    Did you give Twiggy Credit for employing and training so many indigenous people .Who else had that idea.
    Whether he donated to charity or not ,there is always someone that find something wrong with whatever Twiggy does.
    Re ARW ,what do you expect. Obviously the price of fuel is now cheaper so as a shareholder expect Twiggy to save money .That he is doing .
    Why don t you compare FMG with BHP,RIO .Or other companies you like to pick.And tell us how they run business.How good they are.Be more constructive not subtractive when criticizing fellow Australian.
    If you are qualified to talk .... Have you thought of joining the ASIC team. Or better still,get into Canberra and show Mr Swan how to spend money with stimulus .
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