Sortit,Go for bantam chickens. You can get some pretty colours...

  1. 7,761 Posts.

    Go for bantam chickens. You can get some pretty colours in them so they are a pleasure to watch.

    Make sure your chook house is fox proof, snake proof and preferably rat proof. A fox can bite through cheap chicken wire so make sure use chicken wire that is better than the cheapest type.

    A snake got into my mother's chook pen and stole an egg, then got stuck on the way out as it had the egg inside it and couldn't back out of the wire.

    Go to a poultry show and get some advice from experts. If you stick to a pure breed, you will be able to sell the offspring more easily than if they are mixed varieties.

    Nothing like fresh eggs in the morning! Oh.. and the birds may try to assist you when you are gardening so please make sure you don't chop their heads off with the spade if they see a worm in a hole you are digging and go for it.

    You will have a lot of fun with them I'm sure. I used to breed double laced Barnavelders and Belgian Mille Fleur Bantams.


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