Mr. Bowen arrogantly heel-rocked his smarmy way through today's...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Mr. Bowen arrogantly heel-rocked his smarmy way through today's Press Club luncheon - then took an easy list of questions from the usual endless parade of the usual heavy Leftist journo suspects - think he hears the flutter of the vuture wings - coming for Bill Shorten.

    This bloke waffles so utterly self-importantly - in his own mind acts as though HE'S already Prime Minister - as if HIS Party had never ever lost Government - seems to think he is STILL the Government - he, party to the disgusting stalling and deliberate delaying tactics Shorten's indulging himself with - de-railing of anything importance to Australian's best interests getting through the Senate - and (ho-hum, and totally predictably) he indulged himself - aided and abbetted by these MArxist scribblers today - in the Leftist required sneerings and endless spite driven asides having incessant "shots" at our elected PM, MISTER Abbott.

    All puff - no blow. His Labor Party will be the death of Australia. They'll open the borders - THEY need the Islamic vote desperately. Albanese even stuck his head up first time for ages today. An ominous sign for Shorten, all this new rivals' chest beating.

    Tim Flannery must be hanging out for his re-coronation. What will the future bring us? Not total disaster, we hope. Mix in the Greens and the incompetently vicious "you'll do what I tell you" Ms. Lambie.

    If you're religious - pray for delivery from such horrors. Bowen as PM - shudder/horror/. His loyalties to various leaders seem to blow around wioth the wind. He's been through two, now. Quickly dropping them - as they fall - on with the next. (And to the amusement of many, HE fancies himself as the next).

    (Has Daniel Andrews found a tie, yet?) Or is he having trouble - finding the right shade of RED?
    Last edited by iron mike: 20/05/15
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