Mentioning "Chris Bowen" and "good job" a huge contradiction in...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Mentioning "Chris Bowen" and "good job" a huge contradiction in terms, and stretch of imagination. For what does he choose to keep covered up?

    Unless one regards all puff and no blow as a "Good Job" - he's just another toe-the-liner Party hack. Jumping ship - his loyalty transferred across, fast, to whomever didn't go down with the last boat. In this instance, he hopes that someone will be himself, I allege.

    I'd suggest Mr. Bowen is doing a good job of self-promotion - anticipating the day Shorten'll fall on his sword - (or pushed on it, via some Brutus) - he, quite known for his fickleness when it comes to "supporting" successive leaders. Never going down with the ship - sticking by his convictions. for better, or worse. No bravery needed acorss the spuds served at Press Club knees ups - when all the acolyte questions are put to you by your bosom journo mates.

    The worrying bit about today's pollies is that lots of 'em are all out for themselves - their own self-promotions - fiscal, political - positioning for their own post political advantages. The lifelong offices, staff, limos, and Mt. Everest high Supers. The personal glories.

    Could care less about all of us - let alone their country - OUR Australia.

    At this time - we need actual totally self-deprecating non-self obbsessed true PATRIOTS. actually good men - AND women, In every sense of the word.

    Of the calibre and quality of character historians will still write of - in centuries to come. Out with the greedy grabbing narcissistic self-promoters - time to stand up and fight for some principles - and for the actual good of this country.

    Sack some of these agenda driven journalists too. And prune down the ABC. once and for all. A traitorous bunch, I allege. And now, most worrying, Universities shutting down peoples rights to freedom of speech. (WA University latest example re. global warming alternate views). They stipulate such views HAVE to be Leftist - or they don't rule - ban them! Average punter in the street hasn't got a clue - evil undercurrents are at work - world wide - politicians often just front men, some decent - and doing their best. Against terrible odds. re. protecting us - getting it right. Evil rampant world wide.

    Bowen's just a minnow - a sympton indication - of the sort of thinking which is now bringing down this country. Keating, of whom I wa never a fan) - did say - rightly - of the then Senate, - "this unrepresntative swill". THEN! How prophetic he was.

    And how much more dire has this situation become. The Senate now, IS, the Government.Of sorts. Yes, they now dicate the course of our lives. Pure evil.

    When will Australia grow up. And throw off these Marxist, or ignorant, e.g. Lambie-like) shackles? This woman typical of those Senators who can't believe their luck - wo;ve stumbled ointo some gravy train to last for the next five years - f having to do nothing much - leaping from obscurity to riches.

    Change the Constituion. Get rid of this crazy preferencial voting system - whereby the winner becomes the loser, thans to a bundle of miniscule votes, coming from an often minor, or totally ineffectual, vexacious Party.

    Would Bowen or his cohorts ever have the guts to propose some of these changes - no - hell will freeze over, first. With Labor - it's ME first. It's right there, in front of us. ME, MYSELF, and I.

    If Bowen was a true patriot - I allege he'd denounce Bill Shorten's leadership, tomorrow. even if it cost him his own career. He'll never do it.
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