Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-128

  1. 25,445 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Don't bother trying to refute the doctrine of the Trinity with me.

    Once again, you have gone walkabout and it would appear, you have forgotten what your post was initially addressing, my post to Zbusc, which for your information, WAS around the trinity matters.
    So once again, your comments, claims end up false, dead in the water.

    What are your reasons for cherry picking?

    OK then, man up, stand up and be counted and produce the Bible verses you say I cherry pick.

    Why not ask believers like Zbusc for their explanations of the Trinity?

    WHY would I bother asking what I already know?
    To my knowledge, I have pretty much read every said experts, scholars, that's available on the net and on the whole, they, after huge essays of c..., add the disclaimer,.....well, NO BODY can really explain it, as God is a Mystery and they say this in despite of the following;
    John 17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You, the Only True God AND whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    Maybe they realise that trying to explain anything to you is a waste of time.
    More likely, they will Not be able to produce counters to the verses I place up with comments supported via these verses.

    is a waste of time. --> Would that be like one of many of our discussions,...the Thomas matter, "my Lord and My God", that when you were given very clear and precise Bible passages which tell us, EXACTLY what and WHY Thomas said such, and you would not have a bar of the Bible truth, hence as waste of time in your un-biblical view point, despite us discussing a Biblical matter???????

    OH that's right, You wanted to only keep within that one Cherry Picked verse = No truth.

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