Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-150

  1. 25,445 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Wotsup, where does it say "Plan, became flesh and also IN the Flesh "
    Wotsup you are clearing misinterpreting scripture
    Who is the liar?

    Heard the one,....... liar liar your a.. is on fire. rolleyes.png

    Get of the a ... of yours and ACTUALLY LOOK at the Greek own meaning of logos, as much as it being ones expressed thoughts = words it equaly means Thought, reason, plans etc.
    So stop just blowing hot air, untruths.

    In the beginning was the Word....................In Him was life = WHAT THE do you think this life is referring to, if it's Not his bleeping Word IN HIM?
    Don't TRY and tell me, that this is Not tied into 1 & 2.

    Jesus later on, by around Baptism, then had life in Himself, GIVEN to Him from the Almighty God and Father as the Father has life in himself = John 1:4 = the life is the Word of God.

    Goodness me, get off that backside, into Mal 3:1 and the Isa match up, John the Baptism was at FIRST to prepare the way for YAHWEH before the SUDDEN appearance of Jesus for the first time in John at 1:14.
    The first 13 verses are ALL about the Almighty God and Father = what was and Who.

    Like or lump it, part of The Word produced Jesus, you twit,....Gods word to the Angel, to Mary, just as Isa 55:10-11 drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!what.png

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