"God did NOT send a pre-existing one from heaven" Wotsup, I am...

  1. 913 Posts.
    "God did NOT send a pre-existing one from heaven"

    I am sorry to tell you but once again you are wrong,
    Jesus says

    John 6:38
    King James Bible
    For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

    "YOU need to pay attention to the following;
    Col ch 15 - Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of creation:-> (A Jesus to be in the future, was God's first thought, plans, know as logos and glory).Because in Him were created the things all things in the heavens, and that are upon earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created through (on account of, by reason of for the sake of, because of) him, and for him:
    And he is before all things (as per the context shown in 1:15, God's first plan) , and the things all things in -> (the plan of the one TO BE) Him consist (exist?).

    It is nonsense to say that you know what God's first thoughts and plans where.
    That Colossians verse is saying that all things where created through Jesus and that is why he is called the
    firstborn of creation..

    through does not mean (on account of, by reason of for the sake of, because of)

    In Greek dia with the genitive never, ever ,ever means (on account of, by reason of for the sake of, because of)
    It always means through.
    I have told you all this before and referenced Strong's concordance to verify it but you keep repeating the lie and
    keep adding to scripture what is not there.

    Which is correct?

    (a) You are building your house on account of a builder
    (b) You are building your house by reason of a builder
    (c) You are building your house for the sake of a builder
    (d) You are building your house because of a builder
    (e) You are building your house through a builder
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