You must be baptised to " be born of water John 4:14 - But...

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    You must be baptised to " be born of water
    John 4:14 - But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.The water he is referring to here mate is -> the Word = the word of God THAT Jesus was given from the Almighty God and Father who is Spirit, the Holy Spirit John 12:49, 17:22 etc.

    John 7:38 - He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    The living WATER that would be flowing from them is -> The word = the word of God, again,.....Jesus was given this or these over 20 plus years of being raise via God Deu 18:18.

    The Bible says, Jesus would Baptize with the Holy Spirit = the word of God as he (Almighty God) is the Holy Spirit and His words are Spirit.
    To be born again is to be baptised.If your saved, your clearly born again.
    The Bible does not say, be baptized and you will be born again, saved.

    Jesus is the 2nd Adam, Jesus is from above. Jesus is the incorruptible seed.

    2nd Adam = Man = Flesh -> that which is born of Flesh is flesh = HENCE why Jesus did NOT speak of his own self, but the words the Almighty God and Father gave him.

    NO, according to the Bible, YOU have it all wrong, Jesus was part of the results of the corruptible seed = the word of His now Almighty God and Father, whose word, instructions were given to the angel, the Eph 3:9 plan, logos, glory and BREAD which was then given to Mary, came down from above, Heaven = God.

    Jesus although he didn't allow himself to be corrupted, WAS the CARRIER of the incorruptible seed, the word of God as per 1 Peter 1:23.
    Just because he carried it, does NOT make him this seed.
    If I give you and apple, you DO NOT become this apple = Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Jesus is the word of God that is sown in our hearts.
    NO he is NOT,.......he is the results of the word of God = Logos as in -> in the beginning was the Word = Eph 3:9 (likes of).
    The word of God tells us all about Jesus etc, and that, the message of, all about Jesus is what's sown into out hearts.

    Jesus liveth and abideth forever as he is dwelling in the light = the word of God -> Psa 119:105
    1 Tim 6:16 - Who only hath immortality (because), dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

    The above is the same as Jesus being in the Bosom of the Father John 1:18.
    Light, Bosom = in the word of God = John 1:1 ........and God (not Jesus) was the Word = God Word is............= Spirit, the Holy.
    You are to be Baptized in Jesus's name = The Word of God, which effectively means, your being Baptized via or with the Holy Spirit, just as the Bible says, Jesus would do.
    Jesus baptized zero in literal water.

    As I have said and due to the Clear message of the Bible, if you get Baptized as you suggest = Your being Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Father as He IS the Holy Spirit.

    I'm telling you chum, 2 is company and 3 is a crowd and NOT of God.
    I suggest you do some research in the Bible as to the importance, relevance of the No 2, God's numbers and meanings etc.

    Do you not think it odd, you only see the likes of, Greetings from God the Father and of Jesus Christ and never,,... AND the Holy Spirit = Drrrrrrrrrrrr again.

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