Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-85

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    Zbusc Matie,.....I'll try and give you something Very simple to digest ponder, you know, just like a friend would do;

    1 Tim 6:16 - Who -> (Jesus)only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

    1 John 1:5 - God is light........................John 1:9 - that IS the True light that enlightens EVERY man coming into the world (Included Moses and Co, telling us, the Light was in the world before Jesus came Psa 119:105 -> light being the word OF God.

    *Jesus was approached was he not?
    * Jesus was seen, was he not?
    * Would you agree, the light Jesus is dwelling in is The True Light?
    * Therefore, Jesus cannot be the True light referenced in John 1:9.
    * His light is True as the light he carried, torch, is the Almighty God and Fathers.

    The parallel verse to 1 Tim 6:16 and in Da Greek Truth;
    John 1:18 - God no one has seen ever yet; Only begotten (begat) God, the being in the Bosom (Light) of the Father, He has made Him known.

    Nothing in this verse suggest, Jesus saw the Father before going to him after the cross and do you notice, Jesus's Father here is referred to as God as in, the Only Almighty God and Father.
    Jesus as promised, exalted a name above all names and now referred to as a God but not The God.
    Jesus references to Him in John 17:3, As The Only True God.

    Do you SEE that Jesus only has immortality, dwelling in the light and this light is The Word = the Word of God.
    1 Peter 1:23 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
    You are born again via the Spirit, and God's word is Spirit, hence Spirit and Word here are interchange, meaning, you are born of God as in singular John 1:13;

    So when you see, at the last trump, one must put on immortality = you are putting on The Word = The word of God, White Robes = Truth of God's word.
    So that is what Jesus is dwelling in.
    You are not what you dwell in.

    Jesus is a light, powered via the Father of Lights James 1:17, powered via the word of God, the OIL for your Lamp.

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