Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-86

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    The Word can not be the plan,so says Tonio, but NOT the word of God.

    , (Greek: “word,” “reason,” or “plan”) plural logoi, in Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in thecosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning.

    Later, the Stoics, philosophers whofollowed the teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th–3rd century BC), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritualprinciple that permeated all reality. They called the logos providence, nature,god, and the soul of the universe, which is composedof many seminal logoi thatare contained in the universal logos.

    the Jewishview that Wisdom is the divineagent that draws man to God and is identified with the word of God.

    Just as the Jews had viewed the Torah (the Law) as preexistent with God.

    Logos is the Greek word transcribed as “reason,”“word,” “speech,” or “principle.” In Greek philosophy, it related to auniversal, divine reason or the mind of God.

    Logos means in classical Greek both "reason" and"word." The translation "thought"is probably the best equivalent for the Greek term, since it indicates, on the one hand, the faculty of reason,or the thought inwardly conceived in the mind; and, on the other hand, the thought outwardly expressedthrough the vehicle of language. The two ideas thought and speech, areindubitably blended in the term logos; and in every employment of the word,in philosophy and Scripture, both concepts of thought and its outwardexpression are closely connected.

    Beginning was the Word -> divine reason, mind of God and the Word -> divine reason, mind was with with the God and God was the Word -> divine reason, mind.
    1:4 In Him life was.............(In His Word, logos)Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before time eternal;
    1 Peter 1:23 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

    And the Word -> divine reason, mind, plan Flesh became and Tabernacled In well as among....
    The Word part of, not only became flesh, it came in the flesh, into the Temple.
    That's right Wotsup,
    The Word can not be the plan because --> The Greeks say so.

    The Word became flesh -> Part of the Word, plan became flesh at 1:14 and if you only bothered to take a look at John 1:3, other parts of the word, plan became many things, BEFORE Jesus even came into existence, have a peak at Gen. lol.

    The Word that was God became flesh -> Part of the Word, part of God's own purpose, plan, became flesh.
    You just ask Mary (lol), how she found out she was going to conceive = the word, via the Angel, cometh to her.

    God became flesh ->
    Don't be silly, go and wash your mouth out, God is NOT man and neither becomes part man.
    The 2nd Adam only came about, into existence thousands of years after the 1st Silly, are trying to tell us that all this time there was No God until Jesus came?

    God is not the plan -> No you silly boy, his logos is, didn't you read "and the Word, plan was with the God"?

    The Son carries out the Fathers' plan -> Hey presto, you finally got something, I have been telling you that, ever since the cows come home lol.
    Where ya bin all this time.
    Why do you think God pumped the Word = the word OF God into him for many, many years as promised to Moses.
    To bring the light into the world = the word = the word of God, word of life, words of eternal life like never before, God's plan before time eternal.
    Hence he exalted Jesus, name above all names, inheritance, named after The Word, Himself = The Word of God, name only, all be it, his name is mainly about him, represents God's plan and role he had for Jesus.

    God gave him the name Jesus as it represents what God is, God is Salvation or God saves and Jesus was always the way God had planed to do this, before the world was.
    Hence when the Jesus came along, along came God's plan manifested in the flesh, = clear and obvious, well, some that is.
    As some are AntiChrist, denying that Jesus was the 2nd Adam, man = FLESH from his very first beginning at Mary and forever.

    That Mate is an AntiChrist and you better believe it, AS the Bible tells us so.

    Jesus could not use his own Flesh words as he tells us, that which is born of flesh is flesh = Doom, hence his repeated words and WHY he had to speak the word of the God and Fathers as they are Spirit and Jesus was not and never was a Spirit.
    He has Body, soul and Spirit as man, as that is what he was and always was, not of the earthly, dust though.
    He CANNOT be the, or a 2nd Adam if You suggest otherwise = action,..... lights on Tonio smile.png

    That oh Tonio, should tell YOU LOUD and CLEAR, WHY Jesus cannot be The Word!!! rolleyes.png
    As he would have produced flesh.
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