Christ v others, page-25

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "You can't be serious Mr whereu. "shoehorning events" When Jesus cried out on the cross:
    Mat 27:46 And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is, My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?
    Jesus was God forsaken so that we (believers) need never be God forsaken again.
    Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22. Several prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus on the cross here. Shoehorning His own crucifixion? "

    There are no direct records of Jesus recording anything; all we have is what evangelists reported decades after the supposed events. Even Paul's letters did not record the events of Jesus's life even though he penned the letters well before the gospels were written. There are also very few contemporary records of the events of Jesus's life. This makes some of us skeptical.

    Did Jesus actually quote from Psalm 22 or were the words put in his mouth by the evangelists? Even if Jesus did utter the words from Psalm 22 we don't know whether he uttered them to ensure that the prophecy was fulfilled - shoehorning events.

    In any case, more importantly in my opinion, evangelists like yourself deny Christ by claiming that people have to follow a prescription, the details of which vary, to receive salvation. These people thereby deny that Christ's sacrifice is for all.

    I do debate with Jehovah's Witnesses who come door knocking because most of them are sincere in what they believe. Most listen to challenges and use them as an opportunity to explain their position and to hone their debating skills. To be fair none have put forward a good case to refute the arguments for universal salvation. At least they try which is more than evangelists do on this forum - they mostly just ignore the points raised for universal salvation.
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