Christian Things, page-75

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    Lamentation of the Parasites: the Anti-Israel Protests.

    Parasites are interesting. As organisms, they require a host to feed them. Sometimes the host is the victim of circumstance. Sometimes the host is a willing dupe. Regardless, the parasite will eventually harm the host. It is a natural function of their inability to know when they have fed beyond the point of sustainable replenishment. Eventually, if they are not removed, a parasite will either leave on its own (to a new host) or kill both the host and by extension, itself. Thus, we find American Jewry and their shock at pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protests.

    For more than a century, American Evangelical Christianity has been guided by Dispensationalism and a co-joined or parallel pathway for Salvation as it pertains to Jews. The religious concept was entirely new in the 19th Century. In fact, the concept is blasphemous when one reads the Bible in its entirety, thus the reason for its multigenerational rejection, beginning with the Martyred Apostle Stephen.

    Yet, the elevation of the Jewish people by American Evangelicals became a Trojan Horse, exploited by Judeo-Bolshevik radicals who preyed upon the sympathies of misguided American Christians. This led to decades of a gradual emergence of Jewish domination in American spheres of life - from entertainment to business to banking. Throughout that time, Jewish radicals went to war against the very foundation of White Western strength: family, gender roles, traditional values, and other Biblically and genetically ingrained traits of normative behavior. The war directly levied against White Christians began in the 1950s, but it really went into overdrive during the 2000s, when American Jews assumed that they had the numbers and power to finally crush White Christiandom once and for all. But like most parasites, they wounded the host only to attempt to latch onto an unwilling host - brown skinned minorities.

    American Jews were and have been at the forefront of replacement immigration. They are desperate to destroy a White America. Ironically, they have been importing the statistically most anti-Jewish demographics in the world - primarily Hispanics and Arabs. They did not create "the Golem;" they invited him into another man's home - hoping to take the home after the Golem was done destroying the owner. Instead, the Golem has chosen to take the home for himself. Thus, the parasite's lamentation.

    The power of Israel always resided in the Evangelical voting block of the American South. Jews launched an unrelenting war against these very same people who effectively gave Jews privilege, protection, and power. The result was threefold. First, their over-the-top assaults on the Evangelical and blindly pro-Israel crowds were noticed by other Whites who once supported Israel on anti-Muslim grounds. Second, it began to erode Evangelical support for Jewish Israel, as now evidenced in recent polls, especially among younger Evangelical Christians. Finally, it helped launch the Dissident Right and White resistance. The awakening that resulted from the Jewish-led anti-Trump, anti-MAGA movement was clumsy at best. The MAGA movement was led by the most pro-Jewish, pro-Israel president in American history... and yet Jewish leaders called him a "Nazi" and "antisemeitic." This led many American Civic Nationalists to question "why" Jews were so antagonistic to pro-American policies.

    The cumulative effect of Jewish duplicity and parasitic behavior is now seen on college campuses throughout the United States. The pro-Palestinian protests are simply the tip of the iceberg. Devoid of allies within a United States they worked hard to destroy, Jews have nowhere to turn. White Christians have largely abandoned them. The Republican party may not fully realize it, but their own base is no longer a pro-Jewish, pro-Israel bloc as it once was. The Democrats are fully engrossed in a brown vs White war, in which Jews are lumped into the very White race that Jews deeply despise. They have lost political allies thanks to their own mechanations.

    Eventually, parasites die off when they've killed a host and have no new host at which to turn. I do not believe the host - Whites - are completely dead, but the wounds to our people and society are deep. Removing the parasite is now paramount. Ironically, it may be the new host they hoped would replace us - browns - that may affect a removal for us.

    Padraig Martin
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