Secularism is. I've been watching in bemusement this weird idea...

  1. 6,398 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Secularism is. I've been watching in bemusement this weird idea put forward by various posters, that atheists should register themselves as Christian on the census to... protect us against Islam? Somehow.

    No. Replacing one barbaric, pre-scientific book of fables with a different barbaric, pre-scientific book of fables isn't much of a step forward, even if the followers of the latter book are mostly relatively well behaved these days. Either way, you're allowing your society to be dominated by superstitious rubbish.

    Time to leave all this childishness behind. If you don't believe in any gods, put "no religion". Make the rationalist bloc a force to be reckoned with.
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