Christians are Jewish spiritually, page-23

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    For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.

    For the word of God is alive - WHY = According to Jesus when he was speaking the Words of his Father, he said, "they are "Spirit" and life".
    God is a Spirit and that Spirit is the Holy Spirit, therefore as the words Jesus spoke were the Fathers = God the Father, Holy Spirit and His Word are effectively, one in the same, and as 1 John 1:1 tells us, that was there at the beginning.
    Hence when Jesus received the Spirit without measure, likewise he received the words of the Father pretty much without measure so he could preach, do the Fathers will, give us His Name - The Word of which Jesus has a name written after = The Word "OF" God.
    But as for reading the Bible - Generally we are what we feed ourselves.
    Plus we need enough of The Word (God and Co) in us, so when we have life's trials and trib's thrown at us, includes others, it is easier to let it slide off you, so to speak. In other words, your not doing it alone as we can't.
    The Bible tells us, we are to do so and often, (read it).
    Not to mention, we are supposed to know them and through reading The Word, many of His communications through one way or another, will often come via this word, IMO.
    Now if one accepts the above, that God's words are Spirit and the Bible was inspired by him, one "should" realize there is much more to those words and reading them, than one might think on first observations. They are effectively, alive or Spirit.
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