Christians are Jewish spiritually, page-362

  1. 4,015 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Hi RM

    I thought i was talking to a person who was rational.

    Why is it that you cannot address any point raised.

    What is the point of quoting Isaiah's vision? have you actually read it? It says that the whole earth is full of god's glory. And he lives among people of unclean lips. What does tell you? The only abominations on earth are god's own people The Jew. He was right there. According to your book the Jews were barbaric.
    But I keep asking you, why do you keep quoting abominations to me to try and back your claims? Your book specifically tells you that seers are an abomination. Do you understand what a seer is? Can you read your own infallible book? Or is this another one if "god wants to use abominations he can because he is god?"
    Now if you use your brain and analyse religion people have visions, there is nothing unique about your book. Going out in the desert and fasting to get visions, or taking drugs to alter the mind to get visions is universal to all primitive religions. You are not unique. oh, but I forget the ones you quote are god inspired!

    "The sovereign God can raise David up for his purpose and strike him down"

    That the whole point you seem to be missing RM. Of course he can. He raised a Homo Sexual to a great height. And yet you and the rest of your merry band cannot see this and set yourselves up as judges of god's law. If god creates homo sexuals and Eunuchs then that is his plan, not yours to judge. And if you and Mr Gordon believe that Jesus atoned for our sins, then logically, after Jesus' death man kind were bacl in the state of grace of Adam and Eve. Is so, then unlike what you try and claim, clearly god creates then in his own image.

    And furthermore, if you are going to quote the bible to back your arguments, then you should not pick and choose.
    As Jesus said ".... But I don't judge anyone, if i did judge , I would judge fairly!" That seems to rebut every thing you are saying on who god chose to destroy.

    "the Amorites were a very rebellious people but for God's purpose he allowed the activity to continue for centuries until he decided to pull the pin."

    Utter nonsense RM. Who were the Amorites? "Usually a name for all the non-Israelite nations who lived in Canaan , but in some biblical passages it may refer to one nation scattered in several area of Canaan." You see the problem there RM? They lived in a land which the Jews wanted. What better way to explain the theft of their land?
    And their destruction had nothing to do with sodomy etc. They were the descendants of Noahs first son. And according to your book, Noah and god cursed him and all his descendants because he saw Noah naked in a drunken stupor bu ACCIDENT. That is the kind of god you have created.

    Also RM if you are going to jump back and forward between the old testament and the new, then you must explain to us what part of your god's law was set aside by the new covenant.

    RM, I think you do yourself no service if all you can do, is fall back on the book when we show you the absurdities of your book. When you can't explain some thing you come back that it is god's plan etc etc


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