CHRISTINE give me MONEY Holgate, page-103

  1. 7,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    I respect your response on those terms so I’ll apologise for calling you a moron.

    As you’ve asked the questions:

    1) With regards to figures I respect in Authority, I’m a bit of a political and military history buff and born in the UK.
    So leaders I respect:
    Menzies (probably my favourite)

    Atlee (probably favourite)
    Churchill (war only - bit of a disaster otherwise)
    Thatcher - in part (turned into a silly bugger in the end)
    Harold Wilson

    I generally like people (politicians) with vision and command who drive their internal forces to the greater good of the Nation. They don’t f&&k about talking shite in Parliament, they lead. And lead well. They take decisions and follow through, tweaking where necessary.

    If we had politicians who led properly with vision and plans, which they enacted to the greater good (the work ethic). If they did that whilst utilising our best assets and didn’t decimate whole industries without any alternative planning the media frenzy wouldn’t have anything to pick on. They would
    automatically get themselves voted back in.
    The laughable thing is we have had six PMs in 10 Years. Wtf is that all about? It’s laughable, if it weren’t for us the taxpayer picking up the tab. Both parties, a shambles.

    Where is our National plan for growth? We have so much opportunity here it’s beyond belief. I have written papers and met various people, including Politicians and businessmen about growth in Australia. And I write to the PMs quite often with no response. I get mightily irritated by the lack of ambition.

    In respect of the Pandemic, Australia has been outstanding. At a state level, including Victoria. I speak to a lot of older people within my family group in the UK and Boris the Etonian F&&K&&t has been a leader second only in stupidity to Trump. You can call Dan out but he did what he had to do and did it well. He can’t be blamed for everyone and many of the family and friends we have in Vic like his actions.

    Our figures putting us at 116 in the rankings (lower is good) for John Hopkins is quite outstanding. I hope it continues.
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