Christine Milne again

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Ms. Milne, IMO - has bile for breakfast, nails for lunch, and a penchant for Modus Operandi which means she chops and changes her views (promises) daily.

    Now she's chopped and changed over her previously firm indication she'd agree to the Liberal changes in petrol excise - making the average family tank only 40c extra week, to fill.

    Oh no, she preens! Unless "they" use the proceeds to mainly improve public transport, and NOT roads, as they've signalled they'll be used, all along, "WE" (the Royal WE so beloved of these treacherous chameleons, the "Greens" - will NOT agree. (Palmer perhaps having "got" to her?) A seek and destroy mission - these two are so red hot good at?

    And then Ms. Milne weaves her royal way off - to the warmed comfort of her Taxpayer funded Parliamentary car. Always dawdling at the ready. Her handmaiden S.H.Y - ditto! HER personal driver. Her immense salary!. Make up, hairdo, and expensive costume jewellery intact - the "I - Queen Christine" - self satisfied look on her triumphant face. Now depriving the Government of desperately needed funds for the improvement of our national roads.

    Wonder when it was Ms. Milne got on a public bus - tram or train. A very long time ago, I'll wager. Hey, you're only public servants, for God's sake. Yes, OUR employees.

    IS there anyone more arrogantly hypocritical than Labor - pretending this mess wasn't theirs, I ask? Well yes, always, and predictably - always a GREEN! Recall the day Gillard crowed - got "married" to Bob Brown - with "bridesmaids" "groomsmen" - witnesses at their backs? Flowers on table? That "marriage" didn;t take long to fail - back then.

    And what does Ms. Milne have - for dinner? That self satisfied, smug, cat got the cream smirk ( has she been watching Ms. Plibersek - her whole expression conveys the huge satisfaction of her victory - her self-interested chant to herself - " I can destroy - and I just did!")

    Greens far more off the rails dangerous and whacky than Labor - I contend. NO matter who's leader. But Milne must be the worst. If that were possible..Is this what we want - the politics of continual hate?
    Last edited by iron mike: 24/06/14
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