CTP 0.00% 5.4¢ central petroleum limited

Christmas Punt, page-13

  1. 322 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 40
    So if 22c seems a realistic guesstimate, I am still not sure why the market is leaving a 22% margin (4c/17.5c). I have put some of my money where my mouth is. I hope COM gets to check out at 30c as it will still be a tidy advance from here!
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(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $40.24M
Open High Low Value Volume
5.4¢ 5.4¢ 5.3¢ $29.75K 553.6K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
1 250000 5.3¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
5.4¢ 99999 1
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 14/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
CTP (ASX) Chart
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