the radical left and terrorism interesting Unusual allianceHow...

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    the radical left and terrorism interesting Unusual alliance

    How Leftists Aid Radical Islam
    By Dale Hurd
    CBN News Sr. Reporter –The London subway bombing was never supposed to happen in Britain, according to the British left.

    For years they have said the U.S. War on Terror was a fraud , and the al-Qaeda threat was made-up. Summed up in the popular BBC TV series "The Power of Nightmares," the War on Terror has been a White House scheme to dominate the world. That's the same view as Al-Qaeda's, by the way.

    It's alleged that the radical left in the west has forged an alliance with radical Muslims who want to destroy the west. CBN News witnessed this strange coalition in London in 2003: a massive anti-American, anti-war demonstration by radical leftists and radical Muslims. They are two groups with seemingly nothing in common except hatred of America, capitalism, and Israel.

    The Hip Hop music and the pot smoke was an odd mix with the headscarves and the Muslim call to prayer. But it got even stranger when the leftists, who had been shouting obscenities and death threats against George Bush, became reverent during the prayer.

    It's a strange mix: radical leftists who hate religion and radical Muslims who want to make the whole world religious.

    But much of what the left is now saying about the war on terror, Iraq, and Israel, is the same thing said by radical clerics on Arab satellite TV channels. At their joint demonstrations, the two groups speak the same language, with this claim by the head of the Muslims Association of Britain, that the Al-Qaeda threat is made up.

    "And they keep talking about al-Qaeda,” said Dr. Azzam Tamimi, of the Muslim Association of Britain. “What is al-Qaeda? Any of you know what is the dimension of al-Qaeda? Isn't this a phenomenon created by George Bush and Tony Blair?"

    But why would the left join with radical Muslims who hate most of their causes- like women's rights and gay rights, not to mention the radical left's lifestyle of sex, drugs, and rock- and-roll? We asked a former leader of the radical left in America.

    "Leftists do not understand who they're dealing with," said David Horowitz, author of the book 'Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left.""In the real world, you say, 'You know, when these guys win, the first guys they're going to behead you.’ But leftists don't think that way. They have a kind of magical thinking. "

    He says what the radical left sees is an ally in its long-running war against American Capitalism.

    "Corporations are evil. There's a corporate ruling class,” he added. “And then along came these Muslims and they're blowing it up. Now, what did they blow up? They blew up Wall Street. The World Trade Center is the main target of the left. It's Wall Street. That's why Ward Churchill said they're all little Eichmanns, little Nazis. That's because in his demented view, if you're a part of the business system in America, you're killing people."

    When an Iraqi news channel asked British left-wing Parliament Member George Galloway whether it would possible to unite Muslim and leftists forces globally, he answered "It is possible because the (leftist) movement around the world and the Muslims have the same enemies. Their enemies are the Zionist occupation, American occupation, (and) British occupation of ...mainly Muslim countries. They have the same interest in opposing savage capitalist globalization."

    But more than capitalism, it's become an alliance against Israel, and the Jews, and with that, there's been an upswing in anti-Semitism from leftists around the world.

    "A Nobel prize winner, José Saramago from Portugal, has written ream upon ream in which he says the Israelis are the new Nazis and the Jews, it's just as well that they be killed by Hitler because they're only Nazis too,” said Phyllis Chesler, author of The New Anti Semitism.

    “To look at this coalition, it appears that they should be in contradiction. But they're united by common hatred of Jews, Israel, Christianity, and the West,” she added.

    Stephen Schwartz, the Executive Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, said the new anti-Semitism running through the left is even pulling at the fringes of the Democratic party. They have all begun to believe the same conspiracy theories.

    “So you have the claim that September 11 was done by Israel, the same claim that was made by Prince Nayef in Saudi Arabia,” Schwartz said. “The same claim that was made by Salam Al-Marayati of Muslim Public Affairs Council of Southern California, and the same kind of thing we're now hearing incredibly enough in the Democrat party, the claim that the Iraq war was brought about by supporters of Israel… that there's a connection between September 11 and American support for Israel.”

    Last month when some House Democrats convened a mock impeachment trial of Bush, some Democrats watching the hearing on video from the Democratic National headquarters passed out literature that suggested Israel played a role on Sept. 11. After the Washington Post reported it, DNC Chair Howard Dean condemned the anti-Semitism inside his party.

    Dean referred to the literature as "….vile, anti-Semitic rhetoric. The entire Democratic Party remains committed to fighting against such bigotry. "

    The DNC declined to comment further.

    Horowitz, who was raised a communist, says American Democrats, in their hatred of Bush and the Iraq War, have already crossed the line.

    "My parents were communists; I grew up in the left,” Horowitz said. “I was a leader of the new left and the anti-Vietnam movement, and… if you compare the mindset of the left in what they think about America, it's no different than what the Daily Worker was saying 50 years ago when my parents were communists.”

    “All this exaggeration over Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, it's doing the work of al-Jazeera and Zarqawi for them. The left has conducted a psychological warfare campaign against a war that has liberated 50 million Muslims,” he said.

    And some leftists have already gone into direct action. Radical leftist Attorney Lynne Stewart was convicted this year for becoming a message courier between her client, convicted terrorist Sheik Abdul Rahman, the first World Trade Center bomber, and terror groups in the Middle East.

    Stewart explained to the New York Times that violence and revolution are sometimes necessary to fight the injustices of America's capitalist system. She was supported in her trial by a number of left-wing groups, including the ACLU.

    The ACLU and several leftwing groups also supported former university professor Sami al-Arian when his National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom was fighting against anti-terrorist legisation. Al-arian is now on trial with 3 others in a 53-count terrrorism conspiracy indictment. Several leftists remain on the Coalition's Board of Directors.

    But what will the radical left do now that radical Muslims have attacked a western city and could do it again? If the bombings in the west continue, radical leftists who have sided with radical Muslims against the war on terror could find themselves in a strange and dangerous situation.

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