Church Rorts now, page-30

  1. 22,842 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    IMO Aged Care is in a shambles post the Royal Commission & Covid.

    Again, IMO, there is a new model needed to replace the "Battery Hen"
    mega aged care homes run for profit.

    We need small community styled co-ops where aged pensioners can volunteer
    under supervision to look after those in care and at the same time accrue
    credits for their own confinement later.

    This would kill 6 birds with the one Stone, IMO:
    -make smaller community aged care homes viable
    -provide an ongoing link with the community for those in care
    -provide genuine peer company for the inmates
    -be less costly to run
    -give the local council a non management role in providing
    and maintaining the property

    I listened to Mr Graeme Samuel , the ex head of the ACCC, give
    a speech to the press Club about dementia and aged care and
    it was obvious that we need a paradigm shift (not a business model shift)
    in order to humanely provide services to our aged whether that
    be in the home or in aged care.

    Since the 1980s we have privatised everything (the only thong left is Aus Post)
    and many of the social services provided by SOEs have either evaporated
    or become so expensive that the average Aussie can't afford them.

    IMO Granny shouldn't have to sell her house in order to get into aged care;
    instead it should be rented with the proceeds going to the community aged care
    Cp to offset costs together with the aged pension.

    Those with millions in property/assets can use the private sector as they do now.

    The current system is:
    -Granny is usually declared incompetent so that she can't change her will
    -Granny has to sell the house and deposit $500K-$550K with the for profit
    aged care institution (trust deposit that earns interest for the institution)
    -80% of granny's pension is paid to the institution leaving her with $40/week pin money
    -If say Granny lives 10 years in care, the Trust deposit depreciates about 25% (compound)

    With the renting op[tion the property depreciates at a higher level than inflation.

    And then there's the social/quality/community benefits to Granny in the Aged Care Co=Op.
    We all have a social responsibility as well as a financial of caring for the aged.
    That's what community should be all about!
    Last edited by moorookamick: 16/04/21
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