ELROY Revelation John believed that the things that he wrote...

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    John believed that the things that he wrote about would happen soon, within his own lifetime. After nearly 2000 years, believers still believe that
    "the time is at hand" and that the events described in Revelation will "shortly come to pass." 1:1,

    All the crazy stuff in this book was supposed to happen soon. And crazy people today still expect it to happen soon. 22:6

    "Every eye shall see him," including those who executed him. Everyone will "wail because of him."
    But millions have lived and died without ever seeing him coming "with clouds." 1:7

    John quotes Jesus (1900 years ago) as saying, "Behold, I come quickly." 3:11, 22:7, 12, 20

    still waiting lord most special most sacred being for you to come and smite me i'm still waiting, bring allah with you as you may need back up

    anferni "Its good to see Christians making a stance against the muslims, hopefully the even more fanatical catholics jump on board."

    religious followers are very scary people comparable to drunken euro football fans who with no reason just support the team & random violence.
    becuase your team is right & what everyone should follow & a deluded view to justify your hatred towards other religions & non believers

    Go on christians defend yourselves carry on like muslims become more fundamental

    Us aetheists will sit on the sidelines & laugh & watch you preach the peace loving gods you follow whilst you spread your hatred to each other
    & especially onto us non believers who disagree with your imagined gods on views like abortion etc.

    Think god out of existance
    Dmal burn all the fiction they peddle i actually deface every gideons bible i come across in motels as i got sick of asking for a room without a bible in it

    disclosure i have a birth mark on my left posterior cheek that looks uncannily like 666 or 616 , so that may make me the latest antichrist, but i still have recurring stigmata
    What to make of that, even the fairies in my back garden have no idea what to make of it

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