civilised people don't need religeon

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    Civilised people don’t need religeon
    If you need to be constantly told what is right and what is wrong you are not civilised at all. If you need to be told that hurting people is wrong proves that you are barely out of the jungle. That goes for if you are black,white or green. If you really want to sort out the World shed your false prophets, they only have any influence if you take notice of them. Let them waffle among themselves, prove to yourself you are at least one step away from the jungle by abandoning their nonsense. Better still do what I do ridcule them if not directly at least in your mind.

    The Cape
    It came as a revelation to me that if you really want to succeed in life, you need a Cape.
    For some reason, people in capes have the undying respect of the masses. Think about it: Superman, Batman, the Pope, the Ayatohla Komahni, they all wear capes. I can go on and on - most religious leaders wear capes. I bet that when you married "he" wore a cape, or at least dressed up in drag, get the picture!
    But if you really want to command respect, as we all know, the cape is not enough. You need a funny hat! Now you’re talking. The cape and a funny hat will really strike the fear of God into fellow, and it's meant to. The Pope, along with most religious leaders, wear funny hats, and, do you remember, Darth Vader had a beauty. The list goes on: judges wear drag with funny hats and to cap it off, in the Old Bailey, if you've been really naughty, and they are going to hang you, the judge takes off his usual funny hat and replaces it with an even sillier hat. I'm right aren't I!
    Now, if any of you reading this are going through college, I want you to realise that you are being dutifully trained to accept this phenomenon, because before they let you into any of the clubs, you have to graduate. And what do you do?
    Yes I'm right aren't I.
    So. why is this?
    I got technical about this - going back in time to the Romans, and Greeks togas etc - but after careful consideration I realized the answer is much closer to home.
    Ask yourself, who was it that walked around in a dress and had the ability to belt the hell out of you when you were young? And, I think this is the clincher, you got the biggest hiding if you misbehaved when Mum was all dressed up and going somewhere special, didn't you? and, you've got it .... THAT'S when mum was wearing her silly hat.
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