class warfare and wealth redistribution

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    ....the two favourite terms of the 'haves', probably more accurately 'the upper middle class', whenever they think their ability to satisfy their greed is threatened.

    Great to see someone send in a twitter to Q&A in reference to that pathetic slogan they love to trot out.

    Instead of saying,"We're selfish and don't want to help the nation when we clearly and painlessly can", they say,"It's just class warfare and wealth redistribution." Seriously, how pathetic can they become.

    The greed in this nation, mostly amongst the right, is a grotesque infection.

    Of course, they have no qualms with things like Tony's planned upper middle class welfare of up to $3000 per week for maternity leave. Oh no. That is not wealth redistribution That's deserved! Yep,

    That is surely the most vile piece of planned legislation that I have heard of. As carers, pensioners of all types etc battle their guts out to put food on the table, Tony considers it fair that a mother should receive $3000 per week because, "that's what she's used to."

    Seriously, the ugliness of that bloke will make John Howard look like Mother Theresa, should this nation ever be so unfortunately cursed as to end up with him as PM..
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