Dopey, that is only too true.ronsterm, the optimum diet? One...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    Dopey, that is only too true.

    ronsterm, the optimum diet? One man's food is another man's poison. A start is to eliminate all the crap in Dopey's advert.

    No additives, even if they are "minerals" or "vitamins". Buy the foods that still have them naturally rather than having them processed out. Grass fed beef and lamb, genuine free range eggs, organic fruit and vegies etc. No farmed fish.

    Now, all that might sound expensive, and it certainly costs more than the "normal" stuff - real milk for example is about $7 for two litres (but it is one quarter to one third cream, so you save there!) but the other side of the coin is that you should be healthier, longer, and require less medication and have a longer active life as the toxins (like transfats) don't build up in your body.

    Mind you, if you stop buying all the processed breakfast cereals, instant meals (liesagna!) and the like then you save money there.
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