climate change and the natural world, page-16

  1. 2,086 Posts.
    This debate is futile and pointless....and it will make no difference in the end.

    We are all on borrowed time....those that acknowledge and see the impending armageddon will be loathe to change their ways until it is all too late.

    And the ignorant who think that we can indefinately continue to rape and pillage the Earth on the grandiose scale that we do, and put the massive biological upheaval being seen all around the globe down to sunspots or some other ridiculous notion will reap what they have sown.

    I saw the writing on the wall some 15 years ago at age 17, and decided then not to have children....the last thing I would ever want is to bring children into a world that has it's day numbered.

    I make sure I do the most that I can reasonably be expected to do....I recycle EVERYTHING....I use power as sparingly as I can, and I am always mindful of what I can do to make sure that when the time comes, I will be able to hang my head up, and say that I did the best I easy task when all you see around you is wastefulness.

    At age 32, I have a successful business and more money than I'll ever need for myself....for me the market is just a game to see how successful I can be at it....there is no point in accumulating wealth for future is already too late.

    I may not come to see it, but perhaps it will be your children that will be faced with a scramble for the last of the fruits that the Earth will provide....

    Environmental disaster, famine, and war all to as a result of the other I would suspect.

    Anyone got a glass of water??


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