Climate change ??? Global warming, page-4

  1. 560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1406
    In the 60's a heat wave was over 3 consecutive days over 100F which is around 38C for the younger generation. That was normal. Jack Frost used to paint our bedroom windows white in winter and the frost ran 50 feet up the trees one cold morning at Emerald Lake in 1970. The scare then was global cooling and an impending ice age as the 1970's wore on. Australia was experiencing the first discussion of unemployment thanks to the Lima Agreement that was put in place to shred our economy and bail out the bankers. Oh, this IS ALL related!

    Fast forward and a heat wave is one day over 30C accompanied by shrill screams of climate change eek.png
    I can't keep up with the stupidity in Australia now. The feckless teachers, academics, climate bumpkins and politicians need to be schooled and punished for panicking a generation of kids. The adults that believe the catastrophic Anthropogenic Warming narrative are brainwashed and don't know it.

    For the record Brian Cox (you turd, ref: choke / vomit in own mouth - a Q&A episode I caught wind of); NASA is fudging the numbers and the IPCC is behind that. The real data supports little warming and almost no ocean rising and certainly no acceleration. We know how they have massaged the data to suit their BS too. Changing the size of the Stevenson screens, eliminating numerous rural stations (leaving a largely UHI warming effect) and causing alarm over very mild warming is nothing short of criminal. Recency bias, the bystander effect and self interest perpetuate the lies and propaganda and I, for one, and absolutely sick of it. Hence this post. Thank you to rebel1 for sharing.
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