climate change panacea

  1. 54 Posts.

    i reluctantly agree co2 build up could be a contributing cause of the current hysteria,however one must concede expanding city settlements displacing(replacing) bushland and also rain forest destruction etc etc, lessen normal radiation reflection(thus local heat generation
    now if china (the most populous nation on earth)had not introduced and enforced its one child policy the degradion rate of the planet would be unthinkable. by the same token, if india the islamic and the sth. americian countries to Name a few had taken the course of action that the chinese did,we would be blissfully back in 2000 doing our own thing and not having to cop cock and bull stories about carbon footprint, green house gasses, a lying prime ministers and bobsy.
    incidently i was primed for this situation 45 years ago.a story i heard then was about an irishman who had his 10 acres and 10 sons. each of his sons produced 10 sons and these sons produced 10 sons ............most fortunately there were two new continents to relieve the pressure but not any more ---------birth control is the only answer thinkest I.


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