The world isn't warming as the warmists' models claimed even...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    The world isn't warming as the warmists' models claimed even though today the CO2 levels have reached 400 ppm and the increasing divergence over the years between the satellite observations and the models are actually showing no bad consequences. The reporters who have pushed along this scare -- editing out inconvenient truths while giving platforms to cranks, dreamers and planet-savers -- are not just guilty of bad journalism. They are guilty of reckless fear-mongering and a betrayal of reason. They have made a moral decision that should always be held against them. The present ABC head, Mark Scott, was chastised by the former ABC chairman, Maurice Newman; ''The ABC is not being frank and open about the way global warming is portrayed. I feel the sense of imbalance is becoming more overt with hosts of the Left, like fervent warmist Tiny Jones skewing the presentation of this issue.'

    The Way I See It.....we will continue to see little warming into the future. Russian scientists are already saying that if downward temperatures continue that in the next 200 years we could see the start of another ice age. Hopefully a mild one like the chilly Medieval Period which came after a much warmer period from 850AD to 1350AD where the temperature was 3 degrees warmer than the present. The Vikings were in full swing raping and pillaging and finding a lush green land they called GREENLAND. By 1400AD a colder change came and Greenland turned white with snow and ice.

    e live in a ever changing world and for humans to try and hope to make a change to such an enormous climatic system would be foolish. Humans can more easily adapt to the climate then having to spend billions on wind farms (killing millions of bats and birds each year), solar farms, wave farms, geo-thermal plants all without a secure base load of energy production like nuclear when it's obviously not needed at this time or in the future.

    Mark my words.....future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early twenty-first century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age. Thank God we are slowly exposing the Greens' absurdity.

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