climate change will destroy us, page-15

  1. 13,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    ghost -Wait 'til it rains for 40 days & 40 nights.

    We all have a choice!! Read the bottom line!!!

    The Mental Energy Series. There is a series as shown below so that depending on the level one is at, the levels can be interchangeable in command lists. Energy here does seem to have any direct links with physical energies, but does have links to such things as Earth Energies and the World Energy Grid as proposed by Bruce Cathie. This series does have other dimensions. The trick is to keep what is useful and dispatch what is not. Emotion is a lower form of energy. Pure energy does not lend itself to energy or logic.
    BODY and SPIRIT. These have their own separate versions of minds and other things.
    POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. Learning how to ride a bicycle is normally regarded now as reprogramming nerves in the brain but may be due the creation of memes. Such things are useful and positive. Those caused by accident and illness which cause knee jerk reactions are normally regarded as negative and we normally wish to be rid of them. What is positive and what is negative can be subjective with opinions being in the eye of the beholder. Negative energies can be awkward. Emotion is normally a lower negative energy. Psi and energy do not lend themselves to logic. Psi does not lend itself to conscious action.

    * Ether energy, universal energy.
    * Psi energy.
    * The Fires of Hell, the Fires of Purgatory.
    * Energy.
    * Memory.
    * Minds.
    * Memes.


    * CREATION is considered virtuous as it creates mind control, law and order.
    * CONTROL. Mind control is considered virtuous as it keeps everyone else in order, and is the basis of religion. Control of his affairs by the individual is considered a vice, and leads to anarchy and chaos. Heretics and infidels are to be burnt at the stake. Mind control is survival for the person doing the controlling, but not for the person being controlled. If everyone is controlling everyone else, then who is free? Who escapes the virtue of mind control?
    * DESTRUCTION is considered a vice as it dismantles mind control and social order. Does everyone wish to live in a house subject to a historic preservation order. To destroy the old is vice, but without destruction there is no place for the new. Destruction has the following attributes. Exact classifications can be subject to argument,
    o Energy.
    + Action and doing.
    + Physical telekinetic energy.
    + Psychological telekinesis.
    + Incineration.
    + Fire.
    + Personal responsibility.
    o Knowledge.
    + Intention.
    + Understanding.
    + Communication.
    + Observation.
    o Forgiveness. Disconnection from the irrelevant.
    o Re-creation. What can be recreated in real time in one's area of consciousness can be inspected, and the rubbish rejected.
    o Ethics.
    + Personal Responsibility for one's actions, and not relying on outside authority to justify them. One can not be free without it.
    + Doing unto others as one is prepared and willing to have done to oneself.
    + Only commanding others to do what one is prepared to do oneself.
    o Aspirations and ideals.
    + Total freedom.
    + Total ability.
    + Total action.
    * The old order changeth, giving place to new.
    * What price conventional morality and religion?????????
    * What price is one prepared to pay for the quality of survival?

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