climate change worse than previously thought, page-18

  1. 20,020 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 870
    BT, don't get sucked in by the deniers. Stern wasn't debating the science, he was offering an expert economic view on the consequences of climate change. Two different things.

    Zzedzz, what you posted from that Monte Hieb character above is a load of misinformation, at least that is my reading of it. I also found this, although, admittedly, it is just someone else's viewpoint...

    "Monte Hieb is the author of several popular web pages skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming, serving as a evangelist for the viewpoint (he does not state his qualification in climatology or a related science). He is an employee at the West Virginia Office of Miner’s Health, Safety, and Training."

    I wonder if they're doing any coal mining in West Virginia?

    If you look hard enough on the web you can find whatever you want to find. Here's a site that is right down your alley, the Flat Earth Society...

    They're still going did you know that? Or are you a paid up member? No, I don't have you on ignore just yet. :-)

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