Two degrees of separation from disasterJune 15, 2004Peter...

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    Two degrees of separation from disaster

    June 15, 2004

    Peter Garrett's entry into politics comes at a critical time for our environment, writes Tim Flannery.

    The way we respond to climate change this decade will shape Australia into the foreseeable future. And that makes the forthcoming federal election one of the most important you'll ever vote in.

    Studies predict Australia will be ravaged earlier and more severely by climate change than almost anywhere on Earth. Declining rainfall has cost Perth two-thirds of its surface water supply, and in 1998 the rainfall deficit began to spread east, parching the western plains. Now Sydney's dams are at an all-time low.

    Sceptics argue that scientists cannot prove that such changes are due to global warming. They miss the point. Climate is so complex that it's all but impossible to prove what causes any climatic event. Remember the chaos theory model in which the flutter of a butterfly's wing in the Amazon triggers a cyclone in the Caribbean? Scientists instead ask whether the changes they observe are consistent with those expected from global warming - and the answer is a resounding yes.

    Over the past century we've experienced just 0.6 degrees warming - only a 10th of what may occur this century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change considers two degrees of warming permissible - so long as it occurs slowly. If we keep burning coal and oil with abandon, however, it may happen in the next 40 to 60 years.

    So, what would Australia look like in a world that is two degrees warmer? Two degrees of additional warming is sufficient to kill about half the world's coral reefs. Above that we're looking at a world without substantial coral reefs, making the Federal Government's protection of one-third of the Great Barrier Reef futile.

    In 1988 Australia proclaimed the Wet Tropics World Heritage area in north-eastern Queensland. Extinctions of its unique fauna will start at one degree of warming, and after two degrees will accelerate rapidly.

    After surviving for millions of years, creatures such as golden bowerbirds, green ringtail possums and mountain frogs will be no more, having gone extinct on our watch. Kakadu is the jewel in the crown of Australia's top end. Predictions are that with two degrees of warming its World Heritage wetlands will be destroyed by rising oceans and storms.

    At two to three degrees of warming, Australia's alpine zone will become restricted to six peaks, and many of its species will become extinct. At two degrees of warming two-thirds of the 98 species of dryandra (a banksia relative from Western Australia) will be extinct, as will many other Western Australian plant and animal species. And this is a small sample of the changes in store.

    Why should we care about our biodiversity? First it's of great economic importance. Imagine tourism without the reef, rainforests and Kakadu. Imagine the world without the $30 billion yielded each year by coral reefs. Of course, biodiversity is much more important than that, for it feeds and clothes us, gives us clean air and water, and protects us from illness. Who knows, for example, where the next cancer cure is coming from?

    I fear what future generations will say of us if we don't act, because two degrees of warming will gut our nation, destroying its greatest treasures and deeply compromising its capacity to support us. Tell your grandchildren, if you dare, that they'll never see the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, nor experience 10,000 magpie geese rising off a swamp at dawn in Kakadu.

    What do you expect your Federal Government to do in the face of this immense threat? The following points are just a few changes I consider mandatory.

    Stop being the Kyoto coward. Without an international treaty we have no real way forward, and as early victims of global warming we need to lead in the war on climate change. Australia must revive Kyoto if possible, then pioneer a new plan aimed at implementing a much more potent and wide-reaching international treaty on global climate change.

    Institute a substantial tax on the emissions of carbon dioxide that are driving global warming. Coal produces five times as much CO2 as gas, so needs to be taxed differently. The tax should reflect the true cost of carbon emissions.

    Fast-track Wentworth Group water reforms. Demand on water will escalate rapidly, and only a free water market is capable of dealing with conflicting demands equitably.

    Expand massively the Mandated Renewable Energy Target scheme so "green energy" is fed into the power grid more rapidly and an appropriate balance between wind and solar power is achieved.

    Fund a large advertising program to help conserve energy. People need to know how much energy they use and be empowered to limit that use.

    Introduce initiatives to renew the national vehicle fleet by creating a favourable environment for the rapid uptake of hybrid-fuel cars, and a buy-back of ageing or oversized vehicles.

    Stop Australia being treated as a dumping ground for energy-inefficient electrical and other goods. Introduce the most stringent requirements for energy efficiency in the world.

    Implementing such measures means opposing entrenched interests and in the short term some possible loss of jobs and export dollars, though these would quickly be made up as investments in emerging technologies kick in. If approached properly, these measures have the potential to grant the Australian economy a "pioneer advantage" in a world market for sustainable technologies and goods.

    Tragically, some of the carbon burnt today will still be warming the planet 40 years from now. This means climate change has considerable inertia, so action must be taken early. Some people are saying it's already too late, but I don't believe that. It's just a terribly close call.

    Only a government with vision, determination and considerable expertise is capable of averting a global warming disaster. To achieve an adequate response the Australian Government will, in my view, need to place itself on a war footing. This may mean instituting a war cabinet, proclaiming emergency powers and restructuring our bureaucracy.

    Pressure sufficient to prompt such a seemingly radical approach may be some years off. But by then it truly will be too late.

    Tim Flannery is the chairman of the South Australian Premier's Sustainability Roundtable and a member of the Wentworth Group.

    The scientific bases for the predictions given here can be found in the following:

    Barrie Pittock, editor, Climate Change: An Australian Guide to the Science and Potential Impacts (Australian Greenhouse Office 2003);

    William Hare, Assessment of Knowledge on Impacts of Climate Change - Contribution to the Specification of Art. 2 of the UNFCCC (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveranderungen 2003);

    Nature science update. American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting Seattle, February 2004;

    Stephen Williams & David Hilbert, Climate change threats to the biodiversity of tropical rainforests in Australia (in press with the Royal Society).

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