climate change, page-3

  1. 2,762 Posts.
    lol Tell that to the Italians right now.

    If lefties are serious about wanting to reduce carbon output they would install all new plants as NATURAL GAS !! Hundred of years supply available RIGHT HERE. Only one carbon atom in methane, CH4. Yes one. Octane (petrol) has 8, coal might look like this:
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    Pecking order for carbon output:

    - Nuclear - no carbon, but other very negative issues.
    - Natural gas - cheap, trivial ignorable carbon output.
    - Oil
    - Australian Black coal
    - Brown coal - worst of the lot by an order of magnitude: BROWN COAL.

    So not only doesn't Labor shut down brown coal stations they open NEW ONES and make new EXPORTS of brown coal to Vietnam. Why on earth do they not solve this issue if it's the "greatest moral issue of our time"? Because it's all about more TAXES and more MONEY for govt to waste. So don't talk to me about a "price on carbon", and don't talk to me about renewables until you have something that works commercially and not just a intermittent experiment!!

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