fine with me pomhat,believe what you will however keep in mind...

  1. 1,279 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    fine with me pomhat,believe what you will however keep in mind there is a large heat factor unaccounted for ,this is not a precise figure.You have probably read that the rogue heat is claimed by some who promote man made warming to reside in the ocean depth???Some seem to have no understanding of a gravity thermo siphon ,interesting.

    The focus is on the fact that "on occasion" more CME,s do get through,luckily not too many or we would cease to exist.

    It is true though that tipping points can be triggered in all sorts of situations by extremely small variations from the norm and that is my point,we may just be living in a normal deviation,who can tell?certainly not the model makers,as I have said before our records are far too short to make meaningful predictions WITH ANY CERTAINTY.

    Being called a denialist does not worry me at all ,if you are comfortable with putting people in little boxes for your own convenience that is fine but please do not take as gospel a one track approach to what is a wonderful and fascinating subject----the knowledge is not complete.ASk Al Gore.
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