climate debate . what're they afraid of?, page-15

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    ANTN - really, is that the best you got?

    C'mon, son....climate conferences????...the converted preaching to the brainwashed.

    Show me a real debate where the experts on both sides have had a chance to put their arguements forward

    Face it, mate...Climategate has shattered all pretense at looking at science as "pure" or even unbiased.

    Read what the Head of the Physics Department at JCU said just today....

    "In addition I would like to add that it is evident that the scientific systems needs considerable modification if we can have faith in some of the conclusions about the big environmental issues of our time such as Greenhouse, the supposed demise of the Great Barrier Reef and such like.

    I have no faith that both sides of the arguments on these issues are being funded. This comes partly out of personal experience. It is not enough to rely upon peer review and hope for impartiality of scientists. We need to spend money to try to prove that the case against CO2 is flawed.

    That may seem strange but, if this debate was a court case against the criminal CO2, the conviction by the court (mostly the IPCC etc) would be thrown out on appeal because no resources have been expended mounting a defence of CO2.

    Can you imagine a court case without a counsel for the defence - a person whose sole aim is to destroy the prosecution case. We need an organisation to do this for CO2. If after spending considerable resources on such a defence it still looks like CO2 is guilty, then I at least would be satisfied about the conventional wisdom on this issue. Presently I have as much faith in science as I did in the Police system in Queensland in the 1980?s before sweeping reforms cleaned it up.

    You may feel that the present systems in science make it reliable, but the fact that scientist like me, with a better than average record, in addition to a growing number of the educated and uneducated public have lost faith in science and scientists means that something has to be done to regain confidence.

    Prof. Peter Ridd
    HOD Physics
    James Cook University
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